How to Solve VBA Run Time Error 2147023170: Automation Error, The Remote Procedure Call Failed
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How to Solve VBA Run Time Error 2147023170: Automation Error, The Remote Procedure Call Failed

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Are you tired of being stuck with the frustrating VBA Run Time Error 2147023170: Automation Error, The Remote Procedure Call Failed? Well, you’re in luck because this article is here to guide you through the process of resolving this error once and for all!

What is VBA Run Time Error 2147023170?

VBA Run Time Error 2147023170 is an error that occurs when there’s a problem with the communication between your VBA script and an external application or service. It’s also known as the “Remote Procedure Call Failed” error, which is quite self-explanatory. When this error pops up, it usually means that your VBA script is trying to access or interact with an external resource, but something is preventing it from doing so.

Symptoms of VBA Run Time Error 2147023170

So, how do you know if you’re facing the VBA Run Time Error 2147023170? Here are some common symptoms to look out for:

  • Your VBA script suddenly stops working and displays an error message.
  • The error message specifically mentions “Automation Error” or “The Remote Procedure Call Failed.”
  • Your script is trying to interact with an external application, service, or API.
  • The error occurs when you’re trying to access or manipulate data from an external source.

Causes of VBA Run Time Error 2147023170

So, what causes the VBA Run Time Error 2147023170? Well, there are several reasons why this error might occur. Here are some of the most common causes:

  1. Network Connectivity Issues: If your network connection is slow or unreliable, it can cause problems with the communication between your VBA script and the external application or service.
  2. Permissions and Access Rights: If your VBA script doesn’t have the necessary permissions or access rights to interact with the external application or service, it can lead to this error.
  3. Firewall or Antivirus Software: Sometimes, your firewall or antivirus software might block the communication between your VBA script and the external application or service, causing the error.
  4. Version Compatibility Issues: If the version of your VBA script or the external application or service is not compatible, it can cause the error.
  5. Bad or Corrupt Data: If the data being transmitted between your VBA script and the external application or service is corrupted or bad, it can lead to the error.
  6. Memory or Resource Issues: If your system is running low on memory or resources, it can cause problems with the communication between your VBA script and the external application or service.

Solutions to VBA Run Time Error 2147023170

Now that we’ve covered the causes of the VBA Run Time Error 2147023170, let’s dive into the solutions! Here are some step-by-step instructions to help you resolve this error:

Solution 1: Check Network Connectivity

First things first, let’s check if your network connection is stable and reliable:

  • Try restarting your router or modem to ensure a stable connection.
  • Check your internet connection speed to ensure it’s fast enough.
  • Try pinging the external application or service to see if you can reach it.

Solution 2: Check Permissions and Access Rights

Make sure your VBA script has the necessary permissions and access rights:

  • Check the permissions and access rights of your VBA script and the external application or service.
  • Ensure that your VBA script is running with the necessary administrative privileges.
  • Try running your VBA script as an administrator to see if it resolves the issue.

Solution 3: Configure Firewall and Antivirus Software

Let’s configure your firewall and antivirus software to allow communication with the external application or service:

  • Check your firewall settings to see if it’s blocking the communication.
  • Configure your firewall to allow incoming and outgoing traffic to the external application or service.
  • Check your antivirus software settings to see if it’s blocking the communication.
  • Configure your antivirus software to allow the communication.

Solution 4: Check Version Compatibility

Ensure that the versions of your VBA script and the external application or service are compatible:

  • Check the version of your VBA script and the external application or service.
  • Ensure that both versions are compatible and up-to-date.
  • Try updating your VBA script or the external application or service to the latest version.

Solution 5: Check Data Integrity

Let’s check the data being transmitted between your VBA script and the external application or service:

  • Check the data being transmitted for any corruption or errors.
  • Try cleaning up the data or re-inputting it to resolve the issue.
  • Ensure that the data is in the correct format and structure.

Solution 6: Optimize System Resources

Finally, let’s optimize your system resources to prevent memory or resource issues:

  • Check your system’s available memory and resources.
  • Try closing other resource-intensive applications or services.
  • Ensure that your system has enough memory and resources to run the VBA script and the external application or service.

Example Code to Resolve VBA Run Time Error 2147023170

Here’s an example code snippet to help you resolve the VBA Run Time Error 2147023170:

Sub ResolveVBAError()
    On Error Resume Next
    ' Initialize the external application or service
    Dim objApp As Object
    Set objApp = CreateObject("External.Application")
    ' Check if the object is created successfully
    If Err.Number = 2147023170 Then
        MsgBox "Automation Error, The Remote Procedure Call Failed."
        ' Try to resolve the issue by restarting the external application or service
        Set objApp = Nothing
        objApp = CreateObject("External.Application")
        ' If the issue persists, try to debug the code
        Debug.Print "Error occurred: " & Err.Description
    End If
    ' Clean up the object
    Set objApp = Nothing
End Sub

Code Line Description
On Error Resume Next This line enables error handling in the code.
Dim objApp As Object This line declares a variable to hold the external application or service object.
Set objApp = CreateObject(“External.Application”) This line creates an instance of the external application or service.
If Err.Number = 2147023170 Then This line checks if the error number is 2147023170, which is the Automation Error, The Remote Procedure Call Failed.
objApp.Quit This line quits the external application or service.
Set objApp = Nothing This line releases the object from memory.
objApp = CreateObject(“External.Application”) This line re-creates the external application or service object.
Debug.Print “Error occurred: ” & Err.Description This line prints the error description to the Immediate window for debugging purposes.


In conclusion, the VBA Run Time Error 2147023170: Automation Error, The Remote Procedure Call Failed is a frustrating error that can be resolved with the right approach. By following the solutions outlined in this article, you should be able to identify and resolve the underlying cause of the error. Remember to check your network connectivity, permissions and access rights, firewall and antivirus software, version compatibility, data integrity, and system resources. With these solutions and the example code snippet, you’ll be well on your way to resolving this error and getting your VBA script up and running smoothly!

Frequently Asked Question

Get rid of that frustrating VBA runtime error 2147023170 and get back to coding with ease! Here are the top 5 questions and answers to help you troubleshoot and solve this Automation Error.

Q1: What causes VBA runtime error 2147023170: Automation Error, The remote procedure call failed?

This error typically occurs when there’s a problem with the communication between your VBA code and the external application or service it’s trying to automate. It could be due to a variety of reasons such as incorrect or outdated library references, faulty installation, or even security restrictions. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Q2: How can I check if my VBA references are causing the issue?

Easy peasy! In your VBA editor, go to Tools > References, and check if there are any missing or broken references. Look for any references marked as “MISSING” or with a yellow exclamation mark. Try removing or updating them to the correct version. If you’re still stuck, try late-binding your objects instead of early-binding to avoid any version conflicts.

Q3: Can a faulty installation of the application I’m trying to automate cause this error?

You bet! A corrupted or incomplete installation of the application can definitely cause this error. Try repairing or reinstalling the application to see if that resolves the issue. Make sure to check the application’s event logs for any errors or warnings that might give you a hint about what’s going on.

Q4: Are there any Windows or security settings that could be blocking my VBA automation?

Yes, Windows and security settings can definitely get in the way of your VBA automation. Check your Windows Event Viewer for any errors related to the application or the automation process. Also, ensure that the application you’re trying to automate is added to the Trusted Sites or Trusted Locations in your Windows settings. Don’t forget to check your antivirus software settings too, as they might be blocking the automation.

Q5: Are there any VBA code changes I can make to avoid this error?

You can try modifying your VBA code to use error handling and debugging techniques to catch and resolve the error more elegantly. Use On Error Resume Next to skip the error and continue executing your code. You can also try using Try-Catch blocks or error handlers to gracefully handle the error. Additionally, consider using late-binding or dynamic object creation to reduce the chances of the error occurring in the first place.

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