Is there a way to run a method when the site is loaded, but not when it posts back?
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Is there a way to run a method when the site is loaded, but not when it posts back?

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As an ASP.NET developer, you’ve probably encountered a scenario where you want to execute a specific action when your website loads, but not when it posts back. Perhaps you want to initialize a JavaScript library, set up some page-specific settings, or perform some database operations. Whatever the reason, you’re not alone in this quest!

The Problem: Page_Load and IsPostBack

In ASP.NET, the Page_Load event is triggered every time a page is loaded, including when it posts back. To differentiate between the initial load and subsequent postbacks, ASP.NET provides the IsPostBack property. However, this property is not as straightforward as it seems.

Protected Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
    If Not IsPostBack Then
        ' Code to run only on initial load
        ' Code to run on postback
    End If
End Sub

The IsPostBack property is set to True when the page is posted back, but it’s not always reliable. For example, if you have a button that triggers a postback, the IsPostBack property will be set to True, even if the page was initially loaded.

The Solution: Using Page_Init and IsPostBack

A better approach is to use the Page_Init event, which is fired before the Page_Load event. By checking the IsPostBack property in the Page_Init event, you can execute code only on the initial page load.

Protected Sub Page_Init(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Init
    If Not IsPostBack Then
        ' Code to run only on initial load
    End If
End Sub

This approach ensures that your code is executed only when the page is initially loaded, and not on subsequent postbacks.

Alternative Solution: Using a Boolean Flag

Another approach is to use a boolean flag to track whether the page has been loaded initially. You can set the flag to True in the Page_Load event, and then check its value in subsequent requests.

Private isFirstLoad As Boolean = True

Protected Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
    If isFirstLoad Then
        ' Code to run only on initial load
        isFirstLoad = False
    End If
End Sub

This approach is more explicit and gives you more control over when the code is executed.

Common Scenarios

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s explore some common scenarios where you might want to run a method when the site is loaded, but not when it posts back:

  • Initializing a JavaScript Library

    You want to initialize a JavaScript library, such as jQuery, only when the page is initially loaded.

    Protected Sub Page_Init(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Init
        If Not IsPostBack Then
            ' Initialize jQuery
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Me, GetType(Page), "initJQuery", "jQuery.noConflict();", True)
        End If
    End Sub
  • You want to set some page-specific settings, such as the page title or meta tags, only when the page is initially loaded.

    Protected Sub Page_Init(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Init
        If Not IsPostBack Then
            ' Set page title
            Page.Title = "My Page Title"
            ' Set meta tags
            Dim metaDescription As New HtmlMeta
            metaDescription.Name = "description"
            metaDescription.Content = "My page description"
        End If
    End Sub
  • You want to perform some database operations, such as retrieving data or executing a stored procedure, only when the page is initially loaded.

    Protected Sub Page_Init(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Init
        If Not IsPostBack Then
            ' Retrieve data from database
            Dim data As DataTable = GetDataFromDatabase()
            ' Execute stored procedure
        End If
    End Sub

Best Practices

When using the techniques outlined above, keep the following best practices in mind:

  1. Avoid using Session state: Session state can be unreliable, especially when dealing with multiple requests or concurrent access. Instead, use a boolean flag or the IsPostBack property to track the page’s state.

  2. Use the correct event handler: Make sure to use the correct event handler for your needs. Page_Init is generally a better choice than Page_Load for executing code only on the initial load.

  3. Keep your code organized: Keep your code organized and separate concerns by using separate methods or classes for different tasks.

  4. Test thoroughly: Test your code thoroughly to ensure it behaves as expected in different scenarios, including postbacks, redirects, and concurrent access.


In conclusion, running a method when the site is loaded, but not when it posts back, is a common requirement in ASP.NET development. By using the Page_Init event, the IsPostBack property, or a boolean flag, you can execute code only on the initial page load. Remember to follow best practices, such as avoiding Session state, using the correct event handler, keeping your code organized, and testing thoroughly.

Technique Description
Using Page_Init and IsPostBack Use the Page_Init event and check the IsPostBack property to execute code only on the initial page load.
Using a Boolean Flag Use a boolean flag to track whether the page has been loaded initially and execute code accordingly.

By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to execute code only when the site is loaded, but not when it posts back, and create a more robust and efficient ASP.NET application.

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck on how to run a method when the site is loaded, but not when it posts back in ASP.NET and VB.NET? You’re not alone!

Can I use the Load event of the Page to run a method when the site is loaded?

Yes, you can use the Load event of the Page to run a method when the site is loaded. However, this event is triggered on every postback as well, so you’ll need to add a check to ensure the method only runs on the initial load. You can do this by checking the `IsPostBack` property, like this: `If Not IsPostBack Then MyMethod()`.

What about using the Init event instead?

The Init event is another option, but it’s triggered before the ViewState is loaded, so it’s not a good fit if your method relies on ViewState data. Additionally, Init is also triggered on every postback, so you’ll still need to add that `IsPostBack` check.

How about using a ScriptManager to register a startup script?

You can use a ScriptManager to register a startup script that runs when the page is loaded, but not on postbacks. This approach is more suitable if you need to run client-side JavaScript code. Just be aware that this will only work if you’re using ASP.NET AJAX.

Can I use a BasePage class to run a method on page load?

Yes, you can create a BasePage class that inherits from System.Web.UI.Page, and then override the Load event to run your method. Just remember to add that `IsPostBack` check to ensure it only runs on the initial load. Then, have all your Page classes inherit from this BasePage class.

Are there any other creative solutions to this problem?

One more approach is to use a Session variable to track whether the method has already run. Set the variable to `True` when the method runs, and then check its value on subsequent page loads. If it’s `True`, skip running the method. This way, the method will only run once, on the initial page load.