Unlocking the Power of Flutter: How to Invoke Flutter Method from Android Widget without App in Foreground
Image by Zachery - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Flutter: How to Invoke Flutter Method from Android Widget without App in Foreground

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Wondering how to unlock the full potential of Flutter and invoke its methods from an Android widget even when the app is not in the foreground? You’re in the right place! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you on a step-by-step journey to achieve this advanced functionality.

Understanding the Challenge

By default, Flutter apps can’t interact with Android widgets when they’re not in the foreground. This limitation can hinder the user experience and restrict the possibilities of your app. Fortunately, with some clever workarounds and technical wizardry, we can overcome this obstacle.

The Solution: Using Android’s BroadcastReceiver and Flutter’s MethodChannel

Step 1: Create an Android BroadcastReceiver

In your Android project, create a new Java class that extends the BroadcastReceiver class. This class will receive the intent sent from the Android widget.

// Create a new Java class in your Android project
public class MyReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
        // Handle the intent sent from the Android widget

Register the BroadcastReceiver in your AndroidManifest.xml file:

<receiver android:name=".MyReceiver">
        <action android:name="com.example.ACTION_INVOKEMETHOD"/>

Step 2: Create a Flutter Method Channel

In your Flutter project, create a new Dart file and define a MethodChannel. This channel will allow you to invoke Flutter methods from the Android side.

// Create a new Dart file in your Flutter project
class InvokeMethodChannel {
  static const MethodChannel _channel = MethodChannel('com.example.invoke_method');

  static Future<void> invokeMethod(String methodName) async {
    await _channel.invokeMethod(methodName);

Step 3: Connect the BroadcastReceiver to the MethodChannel

Modify the onReceive method in your BroadcastReceiver to invoke the Flutter method using the MethodChannel:

public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
    // Get the method name from the intent
    String methodName = intent.getStringExtra("method_name");

    // Invoke the Flutter method using the MethodChannel
    FlutterEngine engine = new FlutterEngine(context);

Step 4: Send an Intent from the Android Widget

In your Android widget, create an Intent with the action defined in your BroadcastReceiver and send it using the Context.sendBroadcast method:

// Create an Intent with the action
Intent intent = new Intent("com.example.ACTION_INVOKEMETHOD");

// Add the method name as an extra
intent.putExtra("method_name", "myFlutterMethod");

// Send the Intent

Step 5: Handle the Flutter Method Invocation

In your Flutter project, define the method that will be invoked by the MethodChannel. This method can be any Dart function that you want to execute:

class MyFlutterApp extends StatefulWidget {
  _MyFlutterAppState createState() => _MyFlutterAppState();

class _MyFlutterAppState extends State<MyFlutterApp> {
  Future<void> _myFlutterMethod() async {
    // Execute your Flutter code here
    print("Flutter method invoked!");

Putting it all Together

Now that you’ve implemented the BroadcastReceiver, MethodChannel, and Intent sending, you can invoke Flutter methods from an Android widget even when the app is not in the foreground.

Here’s a summary of the steps:

  • Create an Android BroadcastReceiver to receive the intent sent from the Android widget.
  • Create a Flutter MethodChannel to invoke Flutter methods from the Android side.
  • Connect the BroadcastReceiver to the MethodChannel to invoke Flutter methods.
  • Send an Intent from the Android widget to the BroadcastReceiver.
  • Handle the Flutter method invocation in your Flutter project.

Troubleshooting and Best Practices

Here are some tips to keep in mind when implementing this solution:

  • Make sure to register the BroadcastReceiver in your AndroidManifest.xml file.
  • Use a unique action name for the BroadcastReceiver to avoid conflicts with other apps.
  • Handle errors and exceptions properly in your BroadcastReceiver and Flutter code.
  • Use the correct context when sending the Intent from the Android widget.
  • Test your implementation thoroughly to ensure it works as expected.


With this comprehensive guide, you’ve unlocked the power of invoking Flutter methods from an Android widget even when the app is not in the foreground. By leveraging Android’s BroadcastReceiver and Flutter’s MethodChannel, you can create a seamless user experience that transcends the boundaries of your app.

By following these steps and best practices, you’ll be able to create innovative features that engage your users and set your app apart from the competition.

Keyword Relevance
How to invoke Flutter method from android-widget High
Invoke Flutter method without app in foreground Medium
Android BroadcastReceiver and Flutter MethodChannel Low

This article has been optimized for the keyword “How to invoke Flutter method from android-widget without app in foreground” and is intended to provide a comprehensive guide for developers looking to achieve this functionality.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to uncover the secrets of invoking Flutter methods from Android widgets without keeping the app in the foreground!

How do I invoke a Flutter method from an Android widget without keeping the app in the foreground?

To invoke a Flutter method from an Android widget without keeping the app in the foreground, you can use a combination of Android’s Intent and Flutter’s Platform Channel. Create an Intent in your Android widget and pass it to the FlutterEngine, which will then execute the desired method. This way, you can communicate between the Android widget and the Flutter app without needing to keep the app in the foreground.

What is the role of Platform Channel in invoking Flutter methods from Android widgets?

Platform Channel is a messaging mechanism that enables communication between the Android host and the Flutter app. It allows you to send messages from the Android widget to the Flutter app and receive responses back. In the context of invoking Flutter methods from Android widgets, Platform Channel acts as a bridge, enabling the Android widget to call Flutter methods and receive the results, even when the app is not in the foreground.

How do I send data from the Android widget to the Flutter app using Platform Channel?

To send data from the Android widget to the Flutter app using Platform Channel, you need to create a Platform Channel in your Flutter app and register a method channel callback. Then, from your Android widget, use the Platform Channel to send a message to the Flutter app, passing the required data as an argument. The Flutter app will receive the message and execute the corresponding method, using the provided data.

Can I use Background Services to invoke Flutter methods from Android widgets when the app is not in the foreground?

Yes, you can use Background Services to invoke Flutter methods from Android widgets when the app is not in the foreground. Background Services allow your Android app to run in the background, performing tasks even when the app is not visible to the user. By using a Background Service, you can create a communication channel between the Android widget and the Flutter app, enabling you to invoke Flutter methods even when the app is not in the foreground.

Are there any limitations or considerations I should be aware of when invoking Flutter methods from Android widgets?

Yes, there are some limitations and considerations to keep in mind when invoking Flutter methods from Android widgets. For example, you need to ensure that the Flutter app is properly initialized and running in the background. Additionally, you should handle cases where the app is not running or is in a paused state. Furthermore, be mindful of performance and memory usage, as invoking Flutter methods from an Android widget can impact the overall performance of your app.